Rental conditions

1.1 The Renter shall be obliged to handle the Vehicle with care, to lock the doors and activate all security systems installed on the Vehicle. Documents and keys for the Vehicle shall be constantly under the Renter’s control.
1.2. It is prohibited to: carry passengers and cargo for fee; push or tow any other Vehicle, trailer or other objects; take part in race, rally, tests and other similar events; get into and drive the Vehicle under the influence of alcohol, narcotic and any other substances that influence the consciousness and reaction rate, and entrust driving to another person being under the influence of such substances; breach any regulations and rules applying to the driver, including Traffic Rules of Poland and insurance conditions; entrust driving to any other person except where it is expressly discussed and specified on the first page of the Agreement and in certified documents authorizing to drive the Vehicle; drive outside Poland without a written consent of the Lessor; transfer the Vehicle to under-lease.
1.3. The Renter is solely responsible for the loss of the Vehicle or any damage caused to the Vehicle and the losses suffered by the Lessor that occurred during the use of the Vehicle by the Renter.
1.4. The Renter of a car may be presents to the Lessor a valid identity card or a valid passport, and a bank payment card (credit card) valid for more than 3 months from the end of the rental period.

2.1. The Lessor transfer to the Renter the Vehicle for use for a fee and a period, specified by the Vehicle Rental Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”), the Renter and the Lessor hereunder referred to as the “Parties” and individually – the “Party”.
2.2. The Renter agrees with the terms set forth on the second page of the Agreement, which is confirmed by his signature on the first page of the Agreement.
2.3. The Lessor – FIRST RENTAL COMPANY POLAND Limited Liability Company with its registered office in Krakow at ul. Lipowa 3D, 30-702 Kraków, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, XI Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the KRS: 0000976720, NIP: 6793241232, REGON: 522276850, share capital PLN 5,000.

3.1. The pickup and the return of the Vehicle takes place by means of signing the Vehicle Pre-Rental Inspection; Vehicle Check-in Inspection (hereinafter “Act”).
3.2. The Renter agrees that the Vehicle being rented out is in technically sound condition and does not have defects. The Vehicle includes tools, equipment and assistive devices, insurance contracts of Vehicle (in compliance with applicable laws), and keys and accompanying documentation for the Vehicle.
3.3. All notes regarding the Vehicle should be expressed by the Renter while receiving the Vehicle, put down into the Act and signed by both parties of the Agreement. The Renter is obliged to return the Vehicle to the Lessor in the same condition with all documents and additional equipment in the day and at the place which is marked in the Agreement. Renter admits that the not returning of the Vehicle on the markers in the Agreement place and time, after a 24-hour period can be regarded as deliberate theft by the Renter of the Vehicle and Lessor has all reason to appeal to the competent authorities for starting the procedure of investigation and search the Vehicle and the Renter also.
3.4. In case if the operation of the Vehicle is carried out by the Renter with the breach of the terms of the Agreement, the Lessor has the right to take out the Vehicle without notification and without reimbursing the Renter’s expenses. In such case the Lessor will not be liable for the disappearance or damage of the Renter’s property being in the Vehicle at the time of taking out.
3.5. In case of delay by the Renter to return the car for more than 59 minutes, the Renter should pay to the Lessor the rental fee for the following day and, thereafter, for the time of delay by the Renter to return the Vehicle to the Lessor.
3.6. In case of the return of the Vehicle by the Renter to the Lessor before the time stated in the Agreement, this Agreement is considered to be early terminated due to the impossibility to fulfill the conditions of the Agreement by the Parties.
3.7. If Renter did not sign the Act of returning of Vehicle it can be a reason for charging-off from Renter’s credit card by the Lessor from the guarantee amount for all time of delay of returning Vehicle by Renter to Lessor. If Renter did not sign the Act of returning of Vehicle this is does not refute the facts and condition of the Vehicle after the rent, which will be specified by the Lessor.

4.1. Rental fee shall be carried out by the Renter to the Lessor on 100% advance payment terms according to the conditions of the Agreement. Operation of the Vehicle with breach of acting terms of the Agreement or existence of damages may lead to additional expense of the Renter in accordance with current rates of the Lessor and third organizations. All complaints and objections relating of rental fee should be lodged by the Renter to the Lessor before reception of the Vehicle for rent, further the Renter loses the right to bring any claim to the Lessor.
4.2. The Parties agreed that Lessor has right to block or to charge the amount, specified on the first page of this Agreement, on the Renter’s credit card (the Guarantee amount) in order to cover (fully or partially) some losses (costs) that Lessor can have during the period of the Agreement. In case of the above-mentioned losses (costs), the Guarantee amount is used by the Lessor to recover the losses (costs) by charging-off on full or partly this amount from the Renter’s credit card. The fact that the Renter has put his signature on the first page of the Agreement opposite the Guarantee amount and/or on the receipts of the post-terminal means that the Renter confirms the agreement to charging-off this amount from his credit card in the above-mentioned cases, the Renter authorizes the Lessor to perform these actions.
4.3. In case if Renter fulfilled all conditions of this Agreement Lessor would return/unblock the guarantee amount in possible shortest terms from the date of return of the Vehicle by the Renter to the Lessor according Act of returning of Vehicle in good condition, without any damage and without any other losses (costs).
4.4. In case of breach of conditions of the Agreement by Renter and/or if had place damages of the Vehicle or other losses of the Lessor, the Lessor has right to charge off money from agreed the Guarantee amount from credit card of Renter in amount of damages of the Vehicle and losses of the Lessor, which calculated by Lessor according tariffs which mentioned in Annex to this Agreement. The unused rest of the Guaranty amount should be returned to the Renter in possible shortest terms.
4.5. Guarantee amount is non-exceptional and non-definitive as for the losses (costs), which the Lessor can have due to the cases occurred during Vehicle operation by the Renter and/or during the term of The Agreement, which leads to the occurrence of the losses (costs). Losses shall mean any costs which Lessor had during the term of this Agreement. If damages of the Vehicle exceed the Guarantee amount Renter must cover costs of this damages which exceed the Guarantee amount.
4.6. In case of the automatic unblocking of the guarantee amount before the actual return of the Vehicle by the Renter, that occurred due to the peculiarities of the bank issuing the credit card of the Renter and there are Vehicle damages and/or the Lessor has incurred losses (costs), the Renter must pay to the Lessor the amount of money, specified in the requirement during 5 working days after receiving the requirement.

The Lessor ensures insurance of the Vehicle according to requirements of the applicable legislation of Poland.

6.1. The Renter is fully responsible in size the Guarantee amount for losses and costs which the Lessor incurred during the period of the Agreement. In case of any losses (costs) of Lessor the Renter gives consent for the charging-off money by the Lessor (the amount is indicated by the Lessor depending on each case) from the Renter’s credit card. In case of absence of money on the credit card, the Renter must reimburse the above-mentioned amount of money, during 5 (five) working days after the Lessor’s requirement about the costs or losses.
6.2. The Renter has an unconditional full financial and personal responsibility for losses (costs) incurred to third parties by the Renter during the period of the Agreement and operation of the Vehicle or losses (costs) caused to the Vehicle and the Lessor by third parties.
6.3. In case of loss of keys, documents, or state license plates of the rented Vehicle, the Renter is responsible for the full cost of replacing of all locks or state license plates of the Vehicle or for duplicate of the documents, but not less than 240 EUR separately for the loss of any of the above objects.
6.4. In case of early return of the Vehicle, the Lessor is entitled to retain from the Renter a fine of 20 % of the remaining the rental fee (as loss of profit), which is returned to the Renter because of early return of the Vehicle (the rental fee may be changed according to the Lessor’s tariffs).
6.5. The Lessor is responsible for delays of the transferring of the Vehicle to the Renter under the current legislation of Poland.

7.1. In case of any road traffic accident (with damage of the Vehicle or without it), as well as in case of theft (stealing) of the Vehicle or its parts, the Renter shall be obliged to immediately notify about this incident the road traffic safety the Police and/or internal affairs bodies, insurance company, draw up all the necessary documents and transfer them to the Lessor. The Renter shall be obliged immediately to notify the Lessor about any road traffic accident, emergency or another incident, due to which the damage, loss, theft of the Vehicle or/and any other losses (costs) of Lessor occurred, and sign the Appendix to the Agreement, in which the above-mentioned damages or/and any other losses (costs) of Lessor and counting of their value (calculation) are stated. The Renter shall collect and submit to the Lessor information about other parties which took part in the accident, together with information on any witnesses of the accident for the purpose of obtaining a more detailed report on what happened. The Renter shall be obliged to cooperate with employees of the Lessor and/or insurance companies regarding all claims or legal actions in connection with an accident, damages, destruction of the Vehicle, etc. Such duties of the Renter shall also apply in case of theft (stealing) of the Vehicle. The Lessor shall not be liable for any additional costs that may be incurred by the Renter in collecting and providing information about other parties involved in the accident and about witnesses to the accident.
7.2. The Renter is obliged in case of an accident immediately, but not later than three working days from the date of the accident, to provide in writing to the insurer with whom the contract of compulsory civil liability insurance (according to the insurance policy for the vehicle), notification of an accident of the established type, as well as information about the location of the car and damaged property, contact phone number and address. The obligatory document that the Renter must receive and hand over to the Lessor is a notification of a traffic accident (Europrotocol/notification of an accident of the established type), a copy of the insurance policy of the perpetrator of the accident.
7.3. In case of the imposition on the Lessor any penalties and other sanctions by authorized bodies due to breach of the traffic rules, parking, etc. by the Renter, during the period of the Agreement, the Renter agrees and authorizes the Lessor to reimburse these penalties from his credit card.
7.4. In case of theft of the Vehicle the Renter shall be obliged to return to the Lessor a set of original keys, registration documents, as well as a certificate of the Internal Affairs on registration of the fact of accident, theft, destruction, or any adverse effects that happened to the Vehicle.
7.5. In case of any road traffic accident or any other circumstances leading to any damage or failure of the Vehicle or its parts, the Renter is obliged at his own expense to transport the Vehicle by the request of the Lessor to the city of Krakow or other place notified by the Lessor or reimburse to the Lessor the expenses for this transportation.
7.6. In case of Renter’s failure to perform obligations defined in Section 7 of the Agreement the Renter reimburses the full amount of the cost of losses (costs) incurred by the Lessor in this regard. Renter gives consent for the charging-off money by the Lessor (the amount is indicated by the Lessor depending on each case) from the Renter’s credit card and the Renter authorizes the Lessor to charge-off from the Renter’s credit card. In case of lack of money on the credit card, the Renter must reimburse the above-mentioned amount of money, during the 5 (five) working days after the Lessor’s requirement about the costs or losses.

8.1. All disputes and disagreements that may arise in the performance of this Agreement, the Parties shall by negotiation. In case of impossibility to resolve disputes through negotiation, the Parties shall transmit such disputes for consideration and resolution of the Court in Poland, in accordance with the current legislation of Poland.
8.2. The Agreement is made in Polish and English. In case of the dispute the English version of the Agreement has the legal force.
8.3. Renter gives its consent to the transfer and processing of their personal data, and a Lessor notifies about the processing of obtained personal data and entering them into the data base. The personal data administrator is the Lessor FIRST RENTAL COMPANY POLAND LLC with its registered office in Kraków (30-702), ul. Lipowa, nr 3D. The principles of personal data processing by the Lessor and the clauses concerning the fulfilment of information obligations by the Lessor are included in the Privacy Policy.
8.4. The Renter is not entitled to withdraw from the Contract or extend the Contract pursuant to Article 27 of the Act of 30 May 2014 on Consumer Rights pursuant to Article 38 point 12 of this Act.
8.5. Renter may find more detailed information concerning the terms of rental, as well as concerning rights and obligations of the Parties, on the Lessor’s official web-site

Additional conditions:
1.The Parties agree that Renter is obliged to pay to the Lessor security deposit and the cost of damage coverage/expenses accordingly to rates (penalties) listed below:

Loss, damage to License plate for a car 240 EUR Any damage to one car tire is paid accordingly to the cost of 2 pieces


R14 120 EUR

cost per one car tire)

Registration documents for a car 540 EUR R15 150 EUR

(cost per one car tire)

Loss, damage to the CD recorder 500 EUR R16 200 EUR

cost per one car tire)

Damage to windshield, door glass or rear window 200 – 560 EUR R17-R22 250 EUR

(cost per one car tire)

Loss, damage to the ignition key Normal key 275 EUR Loss, damage to the wheel cap (charge for full complete set) 150 EUR
Key with immobilizer 350 EUR
Key from SUV (4X4) 650 EUR Any damage to the rim iron 100 EUR
Loss and damage to GPS navigator 200 EUR light alloy 565 EUR
Loss, damage to baby chair 200 EUR Returning the car in a place not marked in the Agreement do/up to

200 EUR

+3 EUR/km

Damage to light reflective element 80 EUR Bumper damage, damage to mounting elements* Scratch 190 EUR
Loss, damage to headlight 500EUR Dent 190 EUR
Mirror damage 50 – 250 EUR Crack 190 EUR
“Nonsmoking policy” violation ” 200 EUR Loss or damage to radiator grill* 290 EUR
Violation of the prohibition on the transportation of animals 200 EUR Damage to the wing, the door, the threshold, the roof*


Scratch 210 EUR
Loss, damage to the emergency stop sign 10 EUR Dent 190 EUR
Loss and damage to the jack 20 EUR Crack 190 EUR
Loss of cylinder key 10 EUR Damage to bonnet, trunk lid* Scratch 210 EUR
Loss, damage to fire extinguisher 25 EUR Dent 145 EUR
Loss of the first-aid kit 25 EUR Pęknięcie /


190 EUR
Loss and damage to underlying layer of license plate 6 EUR Damage to car interior trim Leather lining 800 EUR
Loss or damage to snow brush 25 EUR Velvet lining 240 EUR
Loss or damage to parking card 20 EUR Dry-cleaning 150 EUR
Damage, loss of the emblem on the bonnet, trunk 100 EUR Car wash 30 EUR
Refueling 3.0 EUR/1 L  

Damage to car wiper (frontal or back)

50 EUR

(per piece)

The administrative penalty imposed on the Lessor for breach of the traffic rules, which is fixed automatically, in the amount determined by the Decision on the imposition of an administrative penalty from the authorized body is reimbursed by the Renter. In case of imposition of a fine or evacuation of the vehicle to impound lot, the Renter is the incurred expenses and a penalty of 24 EUR are additionally paid for each fine.

2. These rates are subject to change, and Renter agreed to pay for the damage of the Vehicle and/or any other losses (expenses) of the Lessor under rates that will apply at the date of calculation of damage to the Vehicle and/or any other losses (expenses) of the Lessor.
3. If the Lessor has revealed such type of damage to the Vehicle and/or any other losses (expenses) of the Lessor, which may entail additional spending to the Lessor, the Lessor has right to charge from Renter larger sum than specified in point 1 of this Annex to the Agreement.
4. If the Renter is being at least 1 hour late to the pre-agreed return time and doesn`t warn the Lessor about such circumstances, a fine of 100 Euro is imposed on Renter. In case of delay by the Renter to return the car for more than 59 minutes, the Renter should pay to the Lessor the rental fee for the following day and, thereafter, for the time of delay by the Renter to return the Vehicle to the Lessor.
5. If after the expiry of the Agreement Lessor will notice damage to the vehicle and/or occurrence of any other damage (expenses) for the Lessor, as well as fines, penalties, the Lessor has right to charge necessary sum from Renter’s account, which was mentioned during signing of Agreement in order to cover damage (expenses).
6. If after the expiry of the Agreement Lessor notice the damage to the vehicle and/or occurrence of any other damage (expenses) for the Lessor, as well as fines, penalties, the Lessor has right to charge necessary sum from Renter’s account, which was mentioned during signing of Agreement in order to cover damage (expenses).
7. The Renter of age 21-25 pays Guarantee amount in case of Damage.
9. It is prohibited to breach article 1.2 of the Agreement, and in case of breaching the article 1.2. of the Agreement, Lessor can fully charge-off the amount (guarantee amount) specified on the first page of the Agreement.
9. Transporting toxic, radioactive, explosive, chemically active and other hazardous substances is prohibited.
10. Transportation of animals or pets is prohibited.
11. You may travel abroad by car only to the continental parts of the following countries (islands excluded): Lithuania (70 euro), the Czech Republic (60 euro), Slovakia (50 euro), Ukraine (120 euro), Germany (80 euro), Austria (80 euro), Hungary (80 euro), Estonia (90 euro), Latvia (80 euro), the Netherlands (100 euro), Belgium (100 euro), Luxembourg (100 euro), Denmark (100 euro), France (100 euro), Switzerland (100 euro), Slovenia and Croatia (100 euro), Rumania (100 euro), provided that the Lessor agrees to the trip abroad and the Renter pays the one-off fee in size – from 120 euro to 300 euro, depend which final destination will be. If the Renter didn’t inform about traveling abroad, from the Renter will be charged the penalty in size 560 euro.
If the vehicle was left out of Poland, from the Renter will be charged the penalty in size 1 euro per km, which range is determined from the location of the vehicle to the planned location returning the vehicle.
If the law of the country requirements concerning the equipment of the vehicle different from the Polish law, the Renter is obliged to adjust the vehicle to the requirements of the law of this country at their own expense, which does not entitle the Renter to intervene in the vehicle and does not abolish the obligation to return the vehicle in the state in which it was handed over. The Renter is obliged to return the vehicle at the place and time specified in the Agreement.
12. If the Renter avoids participation in the collection or signing the Vehicle Check-in Inspection or is absent from the agreed place and time of return, the Lessor may make the pick-up unilaterally.
13. All costs related to breakdown, damage or theft and the return of the car located outside Poland must be covered in full by the Non-Consumer Renter. The Renter who is a consumer shall bear the costs referred to in this Annex and the Agreement, unless he proves that he is not responsible for their occurrence and breach of the Agreement.
14. In case of damage to the Vehicle, which will be specified in the Vehicle Check Out Inspection and/or other losses (costs) of the Lessor, which will be listed below, Renter agrees costs to these damages and/or other losses (costs) of the Lessor and according to this Annex gives consent and authorized to charge-off by the Lessor amount of money from the credit card of the Renter (according to the rates (penalties) specified in this Annex and the Agreement) in the amount of the cost of these damages and/or other losses (costs) of the Lessor according to the calculation.
15. Renter give its consent to the transfer and processing of their personal data, and a Lessor notifies about the processing of obtained personal data and entering them into the database (no.3 “Civil relationship with individuals”).
16. This Annex comes into force immediately after it`s signing by Parties. This Annex is the integral part of the Agreement, is drafted in Poland and English languages in two copies and has the same legal force one for each Party. In case of the conflict arising the English version of the Annex has the legal force.17. This Annex comes into force immediately after it`s signing by Parties. This Annex is the integral part of the Agreement, is drafted in Polish and English languages in two copies and has the same legal force one for each Party. In case of the conflict arising the English version of the Annex has the legal force.